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ergonomically correct workstation

How to setup an Ergonomically Correct Workstation


It's no secret that a bad workstation can cause back pain and other health problems. But it's not always easy to know how to fix the problem. Some people think that the solution is to buy lots of expensive equipment, but this isn't always necessary. In fact, most of us are surprised by how much better we feel after making just a few minor adjustments. Here are six things you need for an ergonomically correct workstation.

A chair with good lumbar support.

You'll want to find a chair that offers good lumbar support. The best way to do this is by sitting in the chair and making sure it feels comfortable when you lean back, as well as when you sit up straight. The ideal ergonomic office chair will be adjustable so that if the height isn't quite right for your desk, it can be easily adjusted accordingly.

The best type of chair depends on what type of workstation setup works best for your needs:

  • If you have limited space and need something compact, go with an executive-style task chair; these tend to offer less adjustability but are smaller than other types of chairs so they take up less room (and cost less).

An ergonomic mouse.

An ergonomic mouse is designed to fit your hand and wrist. When you use it, you should be able to maintain a natural position of the arm, wrist and fingers. You should also be able to move the mouse with your arm in a natural position.

If you have carpal tunnel syndrome or repetitive strain injury (RSI) from typing all day, an ergonomic mouse will help reduce stress on those areas by distributing pressure evenly across all four fingers instead of focusing it on one or two joints of the thumb (like many standard mice do).

An ergonomic keyboard.

An ergonomic keyboard is a must for reducing wrist strain. These keyboards typically have split or curved keyboards, as well as a palm rest. They can also have a slight incline and even a wrist rest. They can take some getting used to, but offer great support long term.

A monitor that is at eye level or just lower.

The monitor should be at eye level or just lower. This will ensure that you are looking straight ahead and not up or down, which can cause neck strain.

The top of the screen should be angled slightly downward to prevent glare from reflecting off of it and into your eyes. The monitor should also be placed directly in front of you, not off to one side or another; this helps keep your head from turning back and forth as you work on different tasks (which can lead to muscle fatigue). Finally, make sure that there's enough room behind the computer so that cables don't get tangled up underfoot!

A footrest.

The footrest is a key component of your workstation. It's important to keep your feet at a 90-degree angle, so that the blood flow can be maximised in the legs and feet. A footrest will keep you from leaning forward and straining your back or neck muscles, which can lead to pain and discomfort later on down the road.

To ensure that your posture remains correct while using a computer, make sure that there are no gaps between the keyboard tray and desk surface--this allows for better alignment when typing on a keyboard without having too much strain put on wrists or forearms (which could cause carpal tunnel syndrome). It's also important to make sure that any accessories such as mouse pads are not too large; otherwise they may create an uneven surface when placed directly under hands while typing!

Proper lighting and glare-reducing filters.

You may be surprised to hear that the lighting in your office can affect your posture and eyesight. The best bet is to adjust the brightness of your screen so that it's not too bright or dark, especially if you're working at night. In addition, use a glare-reducing filter on all screens including those on phones and tablets (if possible). This way there will be no more straining with squinting!

Make sure you have an ergonomically correct workstation, so your back won't be killing you at the end of the day!

  • Make sure you have an ergonomically correct workstation, so your back won't be killing you at the end of the day!

  • You can do this by making sure that your monitor is adjusted correctly and not too high or low, that it's straight in front of you (not off to one side), and that its distance from where your eyes are looking is about 20 inches away from them.

  • It's also important for you to have good posture while sitting at a desk all day long -- which means keeping both feet flat on the floor with knees bent at 90 degrees; leaning slightly forward with shoulders relaxed and back straight; arms resting comfortably on armrests or desk surface with palms facing down (not up); head held in alignment with spine when looking straight ahead without tilting either way (don't look down). You should also take breaks regularly throughout each hour spent working because this helps prevent strain on muscles throughout different body parts like neck/shoulders/lower back!


I hope that this article has helped you understand the importance of an ergonomic workstation. If you want to make sure that your back is safe and sound, there are many things that can be done. 

If you are experiencing any neck, shoulder or lower back pain then please book an appointment with one of our osteopaths for an assessment and treatment by clicking here.


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